Try It Our Way First
Everbuy something and proceed to break it by not reading the instructions? Sure you have, most guys have done this at some point in their life. So would you do this to something sophisticated like a business telephone system? How about a telephone system used got 9-1-1 call taking? Some companies do this.
When I bought a sophisticated piece of electronic hardware, with many subsystems, it came with a note to "Before you do it your way, Please Try it Our Way". This company had obviously had too many end users try it their own way first. I have seen this with many telephone and dispatch vendors for 9-1-1 equipment. Feel safe? Have you ever needed to call 9-1-1? Wouldn't it be better if you knew that smart and competent people were involved?
The people who install and maintain many 9-1-1 dispatch and telephony systems, do not read the manual first. Sometimes they are not even trained on the gear they install. Other times, they lack the basic installation and test equipment to do their job. This may not be the employees fault, perhaps the company only buys a few pieces of equipment. For phone systems, and telephone service technicians, a common piece of gear is the buttset. Tone wands helps trace wires. Multimeters show electrical activity. These should be in every technicians toolbox. However,without knowledge, or reading the manual, these are all worthless.
In this litigous age we live in, even items that should not need instructions come with them. So when you purchase complex hardware, why not read the manual? Do you really want to look like a fool in public? Do your part and read the instructions. Knowledge is power, and knowledge is becoming harder to come by. For you sake and for those that may rely on your work, read the manual and do it by the book. This will take you far in life, and may safe your job some day, or even someones life. That life may actually be your own. Imagine if I decided to not worry about instructions one day. What if I did this with a Mk12 thermonuclear warhead? Before you do it your way, please try it our way first!
Everbuy something and proceed to break it by not reading the instructions? Sure you have, most guys have done this at some point in their life. So would you do this to something sophisticated like a business telephone system? How about a telephone system used got 9-1-1 call taking? Some companies do this.
When I bought a sophisticated piece of electronic hardware, with many subsystems, it came with a note to "Before you do it your way, Please Try it Our Way". This company had obviously had too many end users try it their own way first. I have seen this with many telephone and dispatch vendors for 9-1-1 equipment. Feel safe? Have you ever needed to call 9-1-1? Wouldn't it be better if you knew that smart and competent people were involved?
The people who install and maintain many 9-1-1 dispatch and telephony systems, do not read the manual first. Sometimes they are not even trained on the gear they install. Other times, they lack the basic installation and test equipment to do their job. This may not be the employees fault, perhaps the company only buys a few pieces of equipment. For phone systems, and telephone service technicians, a common piece of gear is the buttset. Tone wands helps trace wires. Multimeters show electrical activity. These should be in every technicians toolbox. However,without knowledge, or reading the manual, these are all worthless.
In this litigous age we live in, even items that should not need instructions come with them. So when you purchase complex hardware, why not read the manual? Do you really want to look like a fool in public? Do your part and read the instructions. Knowledge is power, and knowledge is becoming harder to come by. For you sake and for those that may rely on your work, read the manual and do it by the book. This will take you far in life, and may safe your job some day, or even someones life. That life may actually be your own. Imagine if I decided to not worry about instructions one day. What if I did this with a Mk12 thermonuclear warhead? Before you do it your way, please try it our way first!
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